My Daughter: J. Ellen....
These pictures were made about 24 years ago when J. Ellen was 18 months old....
I took the photos in Media, Pennsylvania and this is all that I have to show for after the past quarter of a century....
Our division was extremely difficult for everyone involved and there is no end to my pain....
"....It " isn't over....
Time wounds all heels, and heals all wounds, however this wound has been ignored by time....
J. Ellen Christmas 1982 |

I have not seen her since these pictures were made.... |
She was born in Wilmington, Delaware, and the last information I had has her living near St Louis, Missouri...
We have not seen one another since the pictures were made and at this point in time I tend to think that we will not
get a chance for fellowship. To fraternize with one another, or just socialize.... I placed this information here
for her so that even if she is curious about me in the most remote fashion perhaps this might give her some comfort or peace
of mind....
Belle and Me on the Cannondale M500 |

At the Arden Fair.... |
My Child is a 25 years old adult.
I don't have anything else to report here about my daughter byond the fact that I was not permitted to parent,
bond nurture, educate... ad-infin-item....

Belle |

Just my daughter, my dog, and me....
This page was edited and updated on Sunday, September 4, 2005....

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