Here you'll learn all about me: my interests and hobbies, the people in my family, my pets, and more. I've even included
a list of my some of my favorite links to other sites. This site is presently being designed and built so I hope you'll
check back frequently to observe my evolution to a higher level of sophistication.... Today is Sunday, September 4, 2005,
and I may need two or three weeks to develop this and make it happen....
On this website, I'll introduce myself and talk about my reasons for wanting a web site. I'll probably put pictures
of myself, and other stuff on this page...and other graphic images that I especially like, with the hope that the casual
visitor will find this interesting enough to return.....
Here's what's up in my life for the present....
Here I might add an entry whenever I make an update to any of my web sites. Where appropriate, I'll include a link
to the change. For example:
Sunday, September 4, 2005 at 3:00 PM. - I Added a new photo of Michael Salsburg
to my Steinberger guitars for sale website at this URL:, and I added four links to Michael's Internet URLs....
Home, The Rack; Page 2, My toys are for sale., Contact Information, Two Steinberger Guitars, John B. Hartman Electric, L.L.C., Some of my favorite links., HP stuff for sale., Hardwood Floors, Affordable Rooter, FreeCell Cheats!, Reserved Master Carpenters, WebMaster
Tools, My Auto Concierge, Pete Renzetti, Jim Beaver, Master Fiddler, Hold The Phone!, The Future...., 4W5, 4W5 Pix, 4W5 Cafe, A Sign To You, WPVI TV
6., MIDI Converter., Buffalo Chip., Lawyer Stuff.,Gene Zambino.,Bill Britt & Billy Britt.,T-R-O-U-B-L-E.,The
Sign Guy.,Red
Hot And Bluegrass.....,Some
There, Done That.....,HP 41
Photo Album.,Family
Photo Album.,Favorite
are some of the major search engines that I use: NoNags.Com (Alexa, AllTheWeb, AltaVista, Galaxy, Google, HotSHEET, Lycos, Info.Com, Mamma, MetaCrawler, Netscape, AOL, DogPile, Ask Jeeves, HotBot, iXquick, Teoma,, WebCrawler, WindSeek, MSN, YaHoo! & etc. et al...gMail)
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